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Tapered galvanised multi-hole strut

Tapered galvanised multi-hole strut

Galvanised Multi-hole Strut

Galvanised multi-hole struts are profiles with a continuous pattern of holes used in pairs, with one sliding inside the other: a wider mm 80 galvanised multi-hole profile and a narrower mm 60 profile.

Moreover, for a perfect telescopic effect, it must be fixed with its open part facing the reinforcement cage, using long hole spacers.

Cod. Art. Description Sizes
MULTZ 60 galvanised multi-hole strut cm. 120×60
MULTIZ 80 galvanised multi-hole strut cm. 120×80

Galvanised multi-hole struts are also available in:
cm. 160×60
cm. 160×80
cm. 215×60
cm. 215×80


The tapered galvanised multi-hole strut is a galvanised profile with a continuous hole pattern and it substitutes the traditional multi-hole strut due to its shape (wide at one end and narrow at the other).
This product allows for a significant saving in cost, as it can be used individually, not in pairs like the traditional telescopic multi-hole strut..

Cod. Art. Description Sizes
MULTZR Tapered galvanised multi-hole strut cm. 110

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